
Organizing and managing big events and campaigns is our strength.

Together with the new Steigenberger Hotel in Munich, we began a promotional tour throughout Munich in the summer. Selected agencies and companies were approached and invited for an ice cream. While they all enjoyed their delicious ice cream, our colleagues introduced the new hotel, and gave a presentation on the new and sustainable hotel concept. Within two months, a total of 100 companies were approached and over 2,000 ice creams were handed out! A fantastic initiative with great effect and a wide reach.

Taste Festival 2017

The Taste Festival took place in the English Garden in Munich for the first time from 3rd to 6th August 2017. We were present alongside Munich’s top chefs!! A unique opportunity to directly get to know many different styles of cooking and the chefs behind them. A course on ice cream was held daily on the show stage and many people learnt more about how to make ice cream. The most varied new flavours were shown, such as saffron and Matcha tea.

Buy Local at Hirmer

Making Munich brands and their products visible: That is the aim of the “BUY LOCAL” campaign. 30 Munich businesses are exhibiting their products at Hirmer. We are also there. On two weekends we are showcasing our exclusive “Buy local ice cream:” chocolate with caramelised pear.

EHC Red Bull Munich

Together with the Red Bull Munich Ice Hockey Club, we have created an ice cream sandwich which is the same size and colour as a puck. Our Ice Cream Puck was handed out in the English Garden, together with a sticker which contained a voucher for a ticket for one of the Red Bull home games.

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Wir sind ab März 2025 wieder für Sie da!
Winter break
We will be back for you in March 2025!


Wir sind ab März 2025 wieder für Sie da!
Winter break
We will be back for you in March 2025!